
Mp3 jukebox for home
Mp3 jukebox for home

mp3 jukebox for home

  • Sweet MIDI Player for Mac OS X v.2.5.1 Sweet MIDI Player is an application not only for auditioning all types of MIDI files, but also for modifying the MIDI files themselves.
  • Version 1.4 of StarDrive provides easy touchscreen based playback of iTunes media and tuning of AM and FM radio stations using a Griffin radio SHARK 2 future versions will.
  • StarDrive for Mac OS v.1.4 An application designed to simplify using a Mac in an automotive setting.
  • The jukebox window plays back MP3 and a multitude of other file types or can be used as an audio library.Įach audio track can have its own effect chain.
  • Metro for Mac OS v. An application designed to create and edit music.
  • Macromedia Flash is not required - in minutes you can have audio with Jukebox functionality, all from Dreamweaver MX or MX 2004.
  • Flash Audio Kit extension for Dreamweaver v.1.0.8 The Flash Audio Kit allows you to quickly add universally-compatible audio to your website.
  • Previously known as iTunes Remote, changed because another.
  • CTCPRemote v.1.02 CTCPRemote 1.02 supplies an interactive program which is fully capable of turning your computer into an MP3 jukebox controllable using CTCP commands in Ircle 3.1 and iTunes 2.0.4 or higher.
  • You can sort, organize and categorize your tracks. Jampal stores a music library of over 40000 songs with ease.
  • Jampal for Mac v.02.01.04 Jampal offers some unique advantages over the other jukebox and mp3 player programs available.
  • Loads album covers from Internet, instant searching, statistic, find duplicates, karaoke, play similar, no installation, search most popular tracks, queue mode and much more. Supporting mp3, ogg vorbis, flac and cdg files.
  • JavaTunes v.2.45 A small and fast jukebox.
  • Access to jukeboxes for other applications is provided via a CORBA.
  • Neutrino - Nomad Jukebox management v.0.8.4 Neutrino is a GNOME based GUI for managing your Creative Nomad / DAP Jukeboxes, support for accessing jukeboxes themselves is provided by libnjb.
  • Includes self-indexing MP3 database, playlists, album cover art etc displayed on windowless fullscreen - ideal for TV.
  • JoHnnY's Jukebox v.2.6.0 A 100% Java MP3 player primarily for use in a home entertainment system.
  • mp3 jukebox for home

  • BarRoom Jukebox v.02 This is not another mp3player/organiser.This program is, however an attempt to emulate a proper in the bar style.
  • mp3 jukebox for home

    The ultimate conclusion would be a build your own jukebox kit. This lets you have multiple UIs, multiple player types, multiple queueing systems. Xmlrpc-jukebox v.0.2.6 A pluggable jukebox, in which the components talk XMLRPC to one another.Features multiband leveling and soft limiting. It randomly sequences mp3's with priority based on how much they suck. TAM Jukebox v.b.2004.12.07 TamJB is a cross-platform mp3 jukebox with a web front end.It understands brief queries that pick a single song, mix queries that combine works from multiple artists, and stream queries that find Shoutcast radio. Plait command-line jukebox v.1.6.2 Plait (pronounced "play") is a command-line jukebox and music player front-end.It uses local mpg123 and so simpleJukeBox is nothing more than a web-based remote-control for your "MP3-Server". Just-a-JukeBox v.0.1 just-a- JukeBox is a one-file JukeBox-Script written entirely in PHP.Developer's Jukebox v.0.7.10 An eclipse (3.3) plug-in for playing and organizing music files (mp3, ogg, few others).

    mp3 jukebox for home

    Playlists appear as text files and can be. The NJB appears as a filesystem from within Konqueror allowing mp3s to be copied to and from the NJB as usual. Creative Nomad JukeBox KIO::Slave v.b.0.2.4 A KDE ioslave for the Creative Nomad JukeBox MP3 player.Much of the project has been completed, and is in use by the author, it. The focus of the project is ease of use, aesthetics, and a well designed user-interface. Alkaline Jukebox v.0.1 A complete web-based system to build a headless MP3 Jukebox, using Perl, PHP4 and MySQL.

    Mp3 jukebox for home